mini thanks to all the little people

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Blog for peace

Of all the things i've lost I miss my mind the most .
Can you think of anything more important than Bleu chesse dressing ?
Of course you can .
What I did over summer vacation :
: Cancelled my subscription to the daily planet ( they drift too far to the left , and are obsessed with superman)
: Staged A protest in front of the home of Vicente' Fox (for social; security benefits , and better working conditions for American citizens)
: Volunteer work in the mission field (prodding slackers to wash their socks)
: Went away for A week on A midlife crisis (much cheaper than A vacation)
: Rehabilitated my vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.(it is currently on probation and cannot go within 100 yards of the twinkies)
: Lived a gratuitous lifestyle .(I actively encourage tipping )
: Took all of my bribe money out of the freezer .(apparently that's the first place they look)
: Turned myself into the police ( it was easy . I just put on a blue shirt and C.B radio handset , and some handcuffs left behind by an old girlfriend)
So now I leave you with this thought ."If you could do one thing to help your fellow man......
why the hell don't you ?"

Monday, May 29, 2006

mini thanks to all the little people

mini thanks to all the little people

Sunday, May 28, 2006

a continuation of the first manifesto in white clam sauce.

How to make yourself invisible (for dummies):
{why? because that is exactly what we need more of ..."invisible dummies }
step 1]: close your eyes.
step 2]: be very very quiet.
step 3]: hold your breath.
step 4]:run as fast as you can in any direction.
step 5]: repeat until invisible .